d snoring r very annoying
if there's kayu at my hand at that time
finish work at 8... me n chappy went to menara.. wash capybara... suck wash man.. rase cam nak ngamok kat situ... kalo x reti basoh jgn la bukak car wash... abes no plate aku sume tercabut.. dah la mahal.. hampagas..
our sisters day begin... kak long turun.. kak ngah cannot make it... x sehat.. jumpe kak ain sat... then p mid valey... beli tiket n guess what... we r going to layan shophaholic.. this muvie are so synonim ngan kak ngah.. y u cannot make it my sis??.. amek lunch kat subway then anta kak long... end of sisters day..
fetch mr not so macho at kl sentral...
go back home..
tibe je depan pagar..
"kete terkunci, anak akak ada kat dlm"
wut? wut? wut?
think think think
saya p panggil mekanik
there here we goes...
a few scene..
a lot of crying from d baby then we make it...
berjaya membuka pintu kete...
akak ni sabar je la
nasib baik dapat jiran yg keje x tentu masa cam aku ni
out to OU...
layan talentime
siyes... all d song..
gile gempak...
gile layan..
terpakse singgah beli beger hamdi before kene bunuh ngan chappy yg tunggu cam org lapa kat umah..
n of course kene belikan colat kalo x kene tikam dgn chappy...
go back to work
n im so demm sleppy
super duper sleppy (macam salah eje kan sleppy tu?)
sabar zed sabar... kol 2.45 sat gik ley turun tido
waiting 4 tomorow..
cam biase anto saff ke pudu...
n having bekpest..
we might have kampeni from mr not so macho tomorrow
i will sleep samapi hari ahad since cuti sampai ahad... yahooooo
might layan greys sampai season 5 gak...
wah~~ meriah nye korg cuti. chappy sure sonok xhengat. zed, mau fllw sy dating?
err, date kite ptg ni on kan?
bile nak dating lg?
saya ade tempat br mau try
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